Not really, though, god doesn't exist, and if he did, he'd be pretty angry that I'm not capitalizing that 'g'.
In other news, I got paid today (yesterday) and bought useful things (nyaaah bitch).
I saw a sign thing on the train that said 'advertise here for £9.50 a week' and thought of many, many wonderous things I could advertise there.
Here is a list:
- "Steven McKenzie is Awesome"
- "This isn't a train, you're just crazy"
- Obviously, my blog
- Pictures of dinosaurs giving bro fists to each other
Ok, so there wan't 'many, many' but still, 4 is a lot considering I was sleeping half the time.
Also, Les Paul died this week. Not that I really care, I didn't know him personally, but he was 94 years old.
If he heard the music his guitars were playing, he'd have told all those youngsters to turn that hippity hoppity noise off, or something.
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