Hello blog.
How are you?
I haven't done anything productive for the past 3 months.
Nothing at all.
Been trying to draw something that actually looks presentable to people, but I can't draw.
However, things have been looking up.
I've recently REDISCOVERED Harry Enfield and Chums (shit is hilarious) and got my sleeping back in order (late nights and early afternoons). I also have a kitten on the way for when I move out of this godforsaken house-that's-actually-quite-nice-to-live-in.
His name is Ultra Magnus and he is small and black.
Work is still boring. Stacking shelves and cleaning chiller cabinets really isn't my idea of a career. And the old people also annoy the hell out of me. Oh god, they ask for the most ridiculous things.
So, anyway, picture here is something that enjoys ruining flower beds and other types of garden shenanigans.